Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Week 1 of 23: Wednesday

Today is a rest day. I was reading the book Marathon Training for Dummies, in which the author was saying he thinks a small work out can do wonders on rest days. That getting out and doing something would only benefit the training runner. I'm not sure I'm at a point physically where I can handle an "active" rest day, but I think it was good advice. I think when I've lost some more weight I will try to add in some light walking or a fun bike ride on the rest days.

Speaking of bike riding, my fiance is trying to get into better shape. She doesn't really want to run, but biking is something she's interested in. I'm going to try to turn my long slow Sunday exercise days into biking days. I'm not sure how that might affect my running program so I will keep an eye on my progress.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yes! Let's go ride a bike!