Monday, May 7, 2007

Week 8 of 23: Sunday

Max Speed: 5.5 mph
Ave Speed: 4.4 mph
Time: 33:01 minutes
Distance: 2.4 miles

If you've been keeping track then you may or may not have noticed that I have been marking the first day of the week as Monday. That never really fit with my actual work out so I've changed it to Sunday. That makes this the beginning of week 8!

Today was a good run. I felt the benefits of the speed training and kept the pace higher for longer. The average overall pace was 4.4 which is a personal best.

We went to the park where we usually run, however we turned down yet another path today. That place is HUGE! It actually has paths that connect up to other parks along the river, so you can run to different areas completely. Beautiful.

I also increased the mileage run for this week by 10 percent so we ran 2.4 miles today. Christy said she could tell I was pushing the pace a bit, but I think she was just being nice. :)

Anyway, keep on running!

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