Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Week 5 of 23: Tuesday

Max Speed: 4.1 mph
Ave Speed: 3.9 mph
Time: 40:04 minutes
Distance: 2.65 miles

Tuesdays are my long slow/steady days.
You can see from above that my running with christy has been helping my pace. I ran this on the treadmill and kept pretty constant with a slowdown at the half way mark and then a picking up of pace near the end.

It feels good to actually be able to say that I can run for 40 minutes straight. Also today my average speed is 3.9 so it is consistent with my earlier gains in pace. All in all I'm extremely happy. Plus I ran 2.65 miles! I mean, that's so close to my 5 k goal (4.264km)!!!!!

Wow. I mean... wow. If I can sustain a 6.2 mph pace I can hit my secondary goal of finishing a 5k in under 30 minutes. That's still a while off, but man I'm excited. I feel like a little kid and want it NOW NOW NOW. ;)

In other news its a rest day tomorrow, as well as my sister's birthday. She's one of the lights of my life and I love her dearly. She's also a spoiled brat who wants a laptop and a pony.... (and David Beckham riding that pony). But I love her more than mere words can convey. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


dougal said...

I am soooo grateful that your sister has you for a brother and that you have your sister.

dougal said...

Achilles Tendinitis
I was reading runner's remedies at the doctor's office today in a runnersworld.com article about this and I think it is also for me as a non-runner as well as I had problems with this a month or so ago, and every once in a while, I can feel the pain. They were saying that depending on stride, speed and terrain the achilles can bear three to 12 times your body weight with each step. If you overtrain, do excessive hill work, have inflexible hips, knees, and ankles or weakness in the muscles that stabilize the ankle and suppor arches, this a. tendinitis can occur. they suggest it's key to increase range of motion in the entire leg and to find stretches at runnersworld.com/whartons.

the following strengthening exercise will also help to prevent and treat a. pain (this is similiar to what physical therapy at sindecuse had me doing) : put a 5 lb ankle weight on right ankle.
lie on left side on a bench with the right ankle off the edge.
position the foot so that your heel and toes are in a straight line, parallel to the floor. keeping the foot in this straight line, title the foot up toward the ceiling. this is a very subtle move (only about 10 degrees. do this 10 times on both feet.

It is suggested that for preventive measures, that while sitting at your desk, take off shoes and extend one leg out until parallel to the floor. lock knee and slowly flex the toes back toward your knee. Do this 10 x on each leg.

whartonperformance.com you might want to check this out to see what it is about. I have not.

dougal said...

Hey boy running, here I was hoping to relive Saturday morning's 5k race you were in and see I must be patient. You did so good and a t-shirt to boot!

You did exhaust Niles with your keeping him by your side. He literally slept the whole drive back home. His sixth sense that we were almost home did not kick in.

Tonight I saw a flyer on FIT 2007. Perhaps it will be of interest for you.

It says to sign up at www.fit2007org. The dates on it are from 15 April to 14 October 2007. It is something to help improve the health of the community. It says to choose your activity -- I did not see running on it, though the graphic design shows people that are either running or line dancing...this seems to be also under the auspice of Governor's Council on Fitness. Tonight I am tired, but tomorrow night I am going to check out that website.

Keep running!